Many Many Thanks for these Awards!

I’m truly honoured! I’ve been nominated for two awards recently for by Pat who writes a blog I love to read:

Blog of the Year 2013 Award


I’m so proud to be nominated for this award. What a wonderful end to the year 2013 on my new blog ‘Selections of Reflections’ only started in the spring. Thank you so much Pat for nominating me.

You can find Pat’s blog Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom It is a wonderful ‘chat around the kitchen table’  and it makes you feel good to be part of the human race to read it.

I am so thankful to Pat for her support over the last few months. She was one of my first followers!

So here’s my nominations for this award and I’ll try, like Pat, to following the rules correctly and I’ll pass along the same instructions she has listed:

Lucy @ homesick and heatstruck 

I just love the way Lucy’s describes her situation, a reluctant expat in Dubai and the sensitivity she talks of her surroundings and her life, in contrast to visits home to Kent. I can identify with so much of what she says and, at times, even look upon it with longing. I often have a yearning to be somewhere completely different and mid 2014 I will be able to share my personal story with you too. Quite different to Lucy’s tale, but nonetheless exciting.

I would also like to nominate

Rachel @ The Mother of Reinventions

An apt name for her blog title and I wish Rachel good fortune with her writing for 2014. Rachel has several blogs and everything she has to say is worthwhile, so if she isn’t writing on one blog you can be almost certain that you are missing a gem on one of her other blogs.

Instructions for the ‘Blog Of The Year 2013 Award

  1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog Of The Year 2013 Award’.
  2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there are no minimum or maximum number of blogs required and ‘present’ the blog(s) with their award.
  3. Let the blog(s) that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the instructions with them (please don’t alter the instructions or the badges!)
  4. Come over and say hello to the originator of the ‘Blog Of The Year 2013 Award’ via this link:
  5. You can now also join the ‘Blog Of The Year Award’ Facebook Page. Click the link here:  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *****************Share your blog posts with an even wider audience******************
  6. And as a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with this award – and then proudly display the award on your blog – and start collecting stars!

stars You can start collecting all 6 stars for the year, starting with the 1st star. Then, every time you’re given the award by another blogger, you can add another badge with the added star. It’s different from other awards where they can only be added once to your site. All the information on the award, banners and badges can be found by the originators of the award, Alyson and Dave Sheldrake on their site, The Thought Template.

Secondly the Sisterhood of the Year Award! What a lovely way to link a sharing WordPress community! sisterhood-of-the-world-blogger-award1-150x1501 Rules

1. Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.

2. Answer 10 questions.

3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.

4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know that they have been nominated.

5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

Questions and my answers

1. Your favorite color? (has to be yellow, the colour of spring, daffodils and primroses and of the sun)

2. Your favorite animal? (I think it’s a puffin…such funny creatures unless they are birds in which case a seal from a wild and natural world)

3. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink? (ginger beer) 4. Facebook or Twitter? (I use both in different ways, Facebook more with people I know well or have come to know well. I can have a chat on’s more spontaneous…whoever pops up and says something appealing to my sense of humour or of interest)

5. Your favorite pattern? (My favorite pattern … ripples in the sand)

6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? (I’d rather share an experience these days rather than give or receive a physical gift, left with memories to treasure rather than things!)

7. Your favorite number? (9 ?)

8. Your favorite day of the week? (My favorite day of the week is Sunday…it’s a bit slower….. time to reflect, take a stroll, have a meaningful conversation)

9. Your favorite flower? (My favorite flower is evening primrose which literally glows yellow in twilight hours.)

10. What is your passion? (My passion is my writing, to pull the heart strings of readers and explore my infinite inner self)

Here are 10 of my sister bloggers I nominate for the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award”:


Morgen Bailey @ Morgen Bailey’s Writing Blog  Morgen tirelessly introduces new authors to the world, sets competitions and writing tasks, with a plethora of good advice too.

Wendy Mc Cance @ Searching for Happiness Thought provoking as well as writerly posts eg ‘Are the most creative people tortured souls?’ What do you think?

Cate Macabe @ This new Mountain Another writer of memoir who will be giving a guest post on this blog in the New Year. Cate gives food for thought about writing, especially memoirs as well as sharing many interesting posts


Brenda Davis @ Friendly Fairy Tales I love Brenda’s expressive poetry combined with beautiful photos

Kintal @ Kintal Wonderful thought provoking poetry


International Bellhops a collection of writers taking you on a journey to unusual and compelling parts of the world (not all sisters admittedly!)

A Taste of Travel

Also more than one authors I believe and a good facebook page too. Moments to dream of far off places to visit and fall in love with.


Sathy Sail’s Memories @ Children of Light   A blog I’ve recently started to follow full of truth and light.

Many many thanks again for these awards. It really helps to spread the WordPress family news and joy!

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